What privacy do you owe your customers?
We do NOT sell any of your contact information. Period.
Apparently “data consultants” are selling customer contact information from those that have trialed ServiceMax, those that have used ServiceMax, and those that are presently using ServiceMax.
With the announcement that “GE Digital announced it was buying ServiceMax, a cloud-based field service management company, for $915 million” we have received a number of cold calls and emails from “data consultants” who are selling the contact information from service companies that are using ServiceMax and/or have trialed ServiceMax, as these data consultants expect a number of ServiceMax customers to jump ship due to the sale.
Analysts from Gartner estimate that 30 percent of businesses trade or sell their data each year.
Be upfront and tell your customers what you are doing and will be doing with their personally identifiable information to “avoid customer surprise” as per Jeff Jonas, as well as to avoid very irrate customers.
Better yet, just don’t.