Never lose track of a part request again
It is very common to not want a lot of overhead tied up in on-hand inventory. Your inventory is your money, just sitting there.
Sometimes a specific part is needed to complete service for a customer, a part that has to be ordered in specifically when needed.
Common issues can arise when ordering parts as needed:
- does purchasing know it needs to be ordered?
- has it been ordered?
- when was this ordered?
- from which company?
- when is the eta?
- has it been received?
- who received it?
- where did it get put?
- how come I wasn’t told it was in?
- who is supposed to be installing this?
That’s where AyaNova’s part request and inventory features will help you!
If you do not presently have the quantity of stock of a specific part in a specific AyaNova warehouse to add to a service workorder, your AyaNova will actually ASK you “Do you want to request?”
Accepting this, AyaNova will generate the part request record, filling in the warehouse, quantity, and part for you.
If you ever need a part that you have never used before in service and have not previously entered as a part in your AyaNova - what to do? Enter on the fly! If a part is not yet an actual part record in your AyaNova for selection, you can create the part record on the fly.
The staff member(s) responsible for ordering parts can see at a glance that new requests have been made via the Part Requests grid – this grid, as with others, automatically refreshes every five minutes.
Also, right in the Purchase Order itself, your purchaser can easily add to a PO any part requests via the Part Requests menu option as shown in our tutorial overview.
Any staff member with minimum Read rights to the workorder can see right in the service workorder if the part requested has been ordered, who ordered from, when ordered, when the eta is, and date received too!
In the PO itself is also a link to the workorder requested from.
And the staff member who originally requested the part if subscribed to be notified, will be notified via either email or text or internal AyaNova popup when the part has been received into inventory.
And the scheduled technician(s) in the workorder where the part was requested from, if subscribed to be notified, will be notified via either email or text or internal AyaNova popup when the part has been received into inventory which means it is ready for service.
With AyaNova,you can easily and quickly keep on top of whats happening without delay!