There are so many web browsers – which one should I use?
It’s Monday morning, and you are excited to start accessing your AyaNova service management data while logged in via your RI remote access option while away from the office and out on the road.
But you are not sure which web browser to use to log in via your RI to access your data?
No worries – just use the web browser that is on your device.
If you come up against something that doesn’t work the way you quite need it to work, there are four possibilities:
- the issue may be due to a setting in your RI (i.e. datepicker)
- the issue may be a setting in your browser (i.e. popups disabled)
- the issue may be the browser itself just doesn’t have the capability to provide the ability the way you are expecting it
- or the issue may be RI does not have that ability
For the example of datepicker, when logged in via RI, some browsers may not display a AM/PM for selection or not display a year for selection or not display time for selection. No worries, first check RI’s available browser setting options available in our online Help documentation.
And if doesn’t display the way you need, just try another browser.
There are hundreds of possible browsers – Wikipedia and hubpage list a large number of them.
Everyone has an opinion on which is the best browser. But really, it comes down to what works for YOU and what YOU need it to do.
We encourage you to download and have available on your device (mobile, tablet, desktop, laptop) the most widely used such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
Having multiple browsers gives you the ability to quickly troubleshoot if you encounter an issue – i.e. perform steps a certain way in RI using one browser; then follow those same steps in another browser – thereby quickly identifying which of the 4 listed above.
There are many many articles out there on which is the best and why, in their opinion. Just a few posted this January are:
- http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/test-centre/software/which-is-best-web-browser-for-windows-2016-edge-3493898/
- http://hubpages.com/technology/What-is-the-best-browser
- http://www.androidauthority.com/best-android-browsers-320252/
- http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/best-ios-browser-8-options/
Check those out, and we would love to hear from you which web browser(s) you use on which devices with RI.