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Inventory transactions

The Inventory transactions data table and edit form are used to view past inventory transactions and manually adjust inventory levels.

Authorization Roles required

Many roles can select this object on other records where approriate. Editing or viewing this object in detail is only available to Users with the following roles:

Full access

  • Accounting
  • Business administration
  • Inventory

Read only access

  • Business administration - restricted
  • Inventory - restricted
  • Service manager
  • Service manager - restricted

Import / Export

Inventory can be imported into AyaNova and exported out of AyaNova.

How to access inventory transactions

Inventory transactions are accessed in the following ways:

How inventory works

Inventory in AyaNova is "live" and affected instantly when a PO or Work Order are saved with any changes of the Received or consumed quantity (respectively) for a part. This means that when you receive 10 parts on a PO they will be available for use immediately on work orders etc. If the PO is then edited to change the 10 to a 5, the inventory is immediately updated to remove the 5 that are now not received.

If a work order consumes a quantity of 5 for a part and is saved that amount is immediately removed from inventory. If the work order is subsequently edited to change the 5 to a 3 then a quantity of 2 is immediately returned to inventory upon saving the changed work order.

All inventory changes are tracked by writing transaction data into a blockchain inside the AyaNova database and this block chain is displayed in the Inventory transactions data table. Inventory transactions are required for any change of inventory and the inventory transaction blockchain is the only repository for inventory quantities in AyaNova.

Transactions that affect inventory are only ever written into the blockchain as new records appended to the end of the chain. Prior transactions are never removed or adjusted to record an inventory transaction. This gives a full and complete history of all inventory changes that were made and protects the integrity of the inventory balance system.

AyaNova 8 does not permit negative on hand inventory values to exist, every part consumed must have a quantity of on-hand inventory to back it up or it's not allowed to be saved.

The only sources for inventory changes in AyaNova are inventory transactions, work orders and purchase orders.

Inventory is optional

AyaNova does not require the use of inventory, if it is not something required for your business you can turn off inventory completely in the global settings form

Inventory transactions data table


The Inventory transactions data table is a view into the inventory block chain showing all prior inventory transactions and access to common data table menu options.

Quantity column

Quantity here shows as negative when inventory is consumed and positive when it's added to the inventory blockchain.

Transaction source column

This column shows which AyaNova object is the source of this transaction entry. For a manual ajustment there is no source displayed as the source is the inventory blockchain itself.

On hand column

This column shows the resulting total inventory for this part and warehouse combination the moment after this inventory transaction was made and before any other transactions were made that affected this part / warehouse combination.

This means that this value is not necessarily the Current on hand inventory amount but rather the resulting inventory when this transaction was applied.

You can view a snapshot of the current on hand inventory from the part inventory form.

Part inventory adjustment edit form

edit form

Most inventory transactions happen automatically when entering work orders or purchase orders but when a record is manually added from the inventory transaction table the part inventory adjustment form opens for making a manual inventory adjustment.

Usually this would be used when first using AyaNova and manually entering the opening inventory, move inventory around from one warehouse to another or to correct mistakes.

The adjustment form contains all the standard edit form functionality and contains the following fields:


A required description of the reason for the transaction.


The Part being adjusted.

Part warehouse

The Part warehouse that needs it's inventory adjusted.


Enter the quantity adjustment. You can enter a positive number to increase inventory or a negative number to decrease inventory.

AyaNova does not permit negative on hand amounts in inventory so you will receive an error if you attempt to remove more inventory than is contained in that warehouse.