Display/non-display of subsections in order entry screen

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Display/non-display of subsections in order entry screen


What if you don't want your AyaNova users to be able to view at all certain subsections of the service workorder entry screen such as the Loans subsection or Outside Service or Parts etc?


Easy - just set the user's security group Object for that subsection to Forbidden!


When a user of that security group next logs into AyaNova, they will no longer see that subsection.



Below is an example of setting the Outside Service subsection and the Parts subsection so that they are not viewed by users assigned to the security group Technicians:


1. Right now when a user of the security group Technicians logs in, they can view a workorder's Outside Service and Parts subsection. In this example, you don't want them to be able to view this.




2. Log into AyaNova as an administrative user with rights to edit Security Groups (such as the AyaNova Administrator)


3. Open the Security Group of the users that you do not want to be able to see Outside Service and Parts subsection




4. Set the Object.WorkorderItemOutsideService to Forbidden




5. Set the Object.WorkorderItemPart to Forbidden




6. Save the security group




7. Have the user of that security log into AyaNova and open the workorder again. Will now see that the Outside Service and Parts subsection are no longer visible for that user.





NOTE: this does NOT remove any data in the Forbidden subsections from any workorder or quote or PM. It just disabled that subsection from showing for users of that security group.


NOTE: if for example, the user has Read/Write/Delete rights to Object.WorkorderService and Forbidden to Expenses, that user will of course be able to delete the entire workorder even though Forbidden is set on a subsection


NOTE: doing the above would affect ALL service workorder entry screens, all quotes and all PM's when logged in as a user of that security group.