Wiki is a feature that allows AyaNova users to freely create and edit rich documentation for most AyaNova business objects.
There is no specific way to use the wiki feature it can be used for anything that is useful to your business.
Wikis support URL hyperlinks, can embed images, offer rich formatting options and are indexed and searchable via the Search feature.
Markdown and Wiki documents¶
Wiki's are formatted using Markdown a plain text formatting language.
AyaNova manual pages are written in Markdown.
Below is a quick reference guide to AyaNova Markdown showing the source document with most features available and how it will render.
A more detailed Markdown guide is available here:
Example markdown code:¶
# Headings
# Heading 1st level
## Heading 2nd level
### Heading 3rd level
#### Heading 4th level
##### Heading 5th level
###### Heading 6th level
# Emphasis text styles
***Bold And Italic***
# Quote blocks
> ""Morbi eget dapibus felis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet rutrum.
Pellentesque aliquet quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a. Nam vehicula nunc
> mauris, a ultricies libero efficitur sed. *Class aptent* taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed molestie
imperdiet consectetur.""
# Lists
### Unordered list
* List
* List
* List
### Ordered list
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
### Auto number ordered list
Ordered lists don't need the numbers to be in order, just that they start with 1:
1. Item
1. another item
1. more item
### Nested lists
* First
* subitem One
* subitem Two
* Second
1. sub one
2. sub two
# Blank lines
You can force extra blank lines by entering `<br>` here are two blank ...
# Horizontal rules
# Blocks
`Inline block` with backticks
Multi-line block
print '3 backticks or'
print 'indent 4 spaces'
# Task lists
- [ ] task one
- [x] task two (completed)
| First | Last | Year |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| John | Doe | 2000 |
| Mary | Smith | 2001 |
| T. | Persson | 2010 |
# Hyperlinks
Inline text link and and optional tooltip:
Link to [our website]( ""Hover text tooltip"") example
If you don't need an inline link you can simply enter it in angle brackets:
Even email links work:
You can also use emphasis characters with links:
Link to **[our website](** example
# Image
This is how you insert an image into a wiki

# Emojis
Emoji characters are supported:
Example markdown rendered:¶
Heading 1st level¶
Heading 2nd level¶
Heading 3rd level¶
Heading 4th level¶
Heading 5th level¶
Heading 6th level¶
Emphasis text styles¶
Bold And Italic
Quote blocks¶
""Morbi eget dapibus felis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet rutrum.
Pellentesque aliquet quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a. Nam vehicula nunc
mauris, a ultricies libero efficitur sed. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed molestie
imperdiet consectetur.""
Unordered list¶
- List
- List
- List
Ordered list¶
- One
- Two
- Three
Auto number ordered list¶
Ordered lists don't need the numbers to be in order, just that they start with 1:
- Item
- another item
- more item
Nested lists¶
- First
- subitem One
- subitem Two
- Second
- sub one
- sub two
Blank lines¶
You can force extra blank lines by entering <br>
here are two blank ...
Horizontal rules¶
Inline block
with backticks
Task lists¶
- [ ] task one
- [x] task two (completed)
First | Last | Year |
John | Doe | 2000 |
Mary | Smith | 2001 |
T. | Persson | 2010 |
Inline text link and and optional tooltip: Link to our website example
If you don't need an inline link you can simply enter it in angle brackets:
Even email links work:
You can also use emphasis characters with links:
Link to our website example
This is how you insert an image into a wiki
Emoji characters are supported: