Change log¶
If you are viewing this page from your local copy of AyaNova be advised that it will only show changes up to the date that your version was released, the most recent changes are documented in the AyaNova manual hosted on our website.
How to upgrade¶
See the upgrade instructions section of this manual for details.
AyaNova 8.2.3¶
Released 2025-02-18
Server: resolved edge case issue with Customer Notifications attached reports could fail to generate when platform is Windows / IIS and AYANOVA_REPORT_RENDER_API_URL_OVERRIDE configuration setting override in effect
Docs: fixed outdated and missing installation steps for setting directory rights and ownership in linux server install for post 8.2.0 changes (hat tip to Steven L. for spotting this)
Docs: improved PO part requests documentation section to specify that only Parts that match the Vendor selected on the PO will be offered for selection in the Part Requests list
AyaNova 8.2.2¶
Released 2024-10-23
- Server: resolved false negative validation issue with Custom fields set to Required in WorkOrders, Quotes or PM's at the Item and Unit levels preventing save
AyaNova 8.2.1¶
Released 2024-08-28
WARNING: If you are currently at a version older than 8.2.0 you must follow the special instructions for that release.
- Server: updated internal 3rd party database related dependencies
- Server: resolved issue which could result in an overflow exception error when opening an existing work order
AyaNova 8.2.0¶
Released 2024-06-03
WARNING: this release contains changes that will require a pre upgrade step on all Windows and Linux network platforms from the normal upgrade process you may be accustomed to. Be sure to follow our upgrade instructions and the pre upgrade step for your platform for this particular upgrade from version 8.1.5 (or older) to version 8.2.0 (or newer).
- Server: updated to use .NET 8.x LTS from previously used .NET 6.x LTS. .NET 6.x is reaching end of support this upcoming November. With this update to .NET 8.x come numerous benefits including performance and security gains.
- Server: switched the report rendering system from Chromium to Chrome browser to align with the default browser now supported by the Puppeteer headless browser controller library that we use for report generation. There will be a longer than normal delay the first time a report is rendered after upgrading while AyaNova automatically downloads the new report rendering browser.
- Server: all 3rd party components used by the AyaNova server have been upgraded to their most recent release versions to use with .NET 8.x. This improves performance, stability and security for each component used.
- Docs: added documentation about a potential issue with "US" being prepended to currency values on reports for non US users and how to correct it in user settings currency code
AyaNova 8.1.5¶
Released 2024-05-03
- App: issue with Workorder status set to inactive displaying for selection on Work orders
- App: issue with Quote status set to inactive displaying for selection on Quotes
AyaNova 8.1.4¶
Released 2024-04-29
- Server: issue handling retrieval of last work order service date for work orders with a null service date
AyaNova 8.1.3¶
Released 2024-04-08
- Server: Improvements to license installation code to automatically handle some edge cases that previously prevented license installation
- Docs: Documented "Viz" fields in the report template editor documentation
AyaNova 8.1.2¶
Released 2024-03-20
- App: a true / false custom field would not display properly in the data table for that object
AyaNova 8.1.1¶
Released 2024-01-26
App: some users were seeing an error when dropping file attachments on to a record. (This error was "cosmetic" only and did not affect the functionality of attaching files)
Reporting: issue where some "Viz" server populated fields such as Work order item Task completion types and other similar pick list related fields on reports were defaulting to English translation instead of the User's selected translation
AyaNova 8.1.0¶
Released 2023-11-22
- Server: Customer notes Tag extension: "Job failed" error when using tag extension for customer notes
App, Server: Reporting - the ayT translation key helper function now shows an error directly in the rendered report in place of an incorrect or uncached translation key rather than the report failing entirely with an error message
App: Improvements to error handling and display if there is an issue when rendering reports
App: Customer notes edit form: "New" menu option now defaults Customer selected on the new Customer notes form to the same Customer
App: Work orders, Quotes and PM's added a new feature to the Customer Contact field to enable the user to select from any existing Contact entered for that Customer.
Docs: in several places added a warning about using special characters such as '@' or '$' in the PostgreSQL database name or password as it may interfere with the automatic backup process and cause it to fail.
AyaNova 8.0.43¶
Released 2023-05-10
- App: postal code not being copied when copy to postal or to street address menu items selected on Customer, Head office or Vendor
- App: New Send email extension to support bulk SMTP email to selected Customers, Vendors, Head office, Users, Contacts
- App: New Send email ability to support sending an SMTP email in Customer, Vendor, Head office, User, Contact edit forms
- App: Now indicates if an AyaNova server update is available on login ("Perpetual" licensed build only)
- App: Trial period remaining days display added on login
- App, Server: Change notification settings to allow empty notification password and login to support Office365 direct send SMTP scenario
- Docs: Change log format simplified going forward
AyaNova 8.0.42 (2023-04-06)¶
- App: data table filter changes unintentionally overwriting saved filters
- App: Data table saved filter UI improved usability and functionality saving filters and changing / ovewriting saved filters
- Docs: Re-written saved filters documentation to reflect changes
AyaNova 8.0.41 (2023-03-24)¶
- Server: report data field
not being set for Work order and PM
AyaNova 8.0.40 (2023-03-21)¶
- App: Additional improvements to web app local error logging in certain conditions
- Server: occasionally causing error saving duplicated Work order, Quote, PM with attachments selected
AyaNova 8.0.39 (2023-03-17)¶
- App: Improvements to web app local error logging in certain conditions
AyaNova 8.0.38 (2023-03-16)¶
- App: occasionally causing Work order and Quote to show an incorrect current status in their main data table display
AyaNova 8.0.37 (2023-03-08)¶
- Server: Unit and Customer report data
fields now indicate the most recent work order of any Status matching their respective data table similar field
- Server: Unit and Customer report data added two new fields
which indicate the most recent work order set to a Completed Status - Server, App: Customer Autocomplete list template added all 5 phone numbers, email address and account number as options in addition to existing Tags and Name
AyaNova 8.0.36 (2023-03-06)¶
- Server: Unit report data's "LastWorkOrderViz" field being set to incorrect value
- Server: manual / on demand backup files no longer prepended with "manual-", named same as daily automated backups. Existing "manual-" files found will have the "manual-" portion removed when next backup runs. This resolves a potential issue with pruning of excess backup sets and removes potential confusion from lack of consistent naming. Docs updated to remove reference to "manual-" naming of backup sets.
App: added
Quote w Travel Loan Item Expense Outside Service
report to available Quote reports as the original stock one left out some sections of the quote. Note: this report will only automatically install in new databases created after upgrading to this release.
For existing databases download Quote w Travel Loan Item Expense Outside Service and import to AyaNova. -
Docs: added documentation page for AyaNova subscription service on-boarding information
AyaNova 8.0.35 (2023-01-27)¶
- Server: bug preventing import of Translation
AyaNova 8.0.34 (2023-01-25)¶
- Server: added new AYANOVA_REPORT_RENDER_API_URL_OVERRIDE configuration option for specific report rendering issue scenarios
AyaNova 8.0.33 (2023-01-24)¶
- Server, v8-migrate: Fix for issue preventing erasing database when Customer notification set to a custom translation
- UI: date picker control when selected "Today" option not using local timezone for value could result in wrong day being set
- UI: data table when opening a data table pre-filtered (e.g. viewing a single Customer's units from Customer edit form menu) that had previously been paged was not resetting to page 1
- Server: improved server error logging when unexpected exception prevents erasing database
- Server, UI: Quote, PM, WorkOrderItemXXX collections (labors, travels etc) now fetch and display in edit form in fixed order by "start" / "sent" / "request" dates if dated otherwise in order created
- Documentation: various sections improved
AyaNova 8.0.32 (2023-01-10)¶
- Installers, Documentation: changed URLs and references in install documentation to ASP.NET Core 6.x specifically as .net core 7 has just been released but is not currently supported for AyaNova
AyaNova 8.0.31 (2023-01-05)¶
- UI: Work order item custom fields not correctly displaying if same index work order header custom field also defined but incompatible data type (no data loss, display issue only)
AyaNova 8.0.30 (2023-01-04)¶
- UI: DateTime and Date controls not displaying properly localized when in edit enabled mode
- UI: Unit edit form New work order menu item not translated
- UI: Customer edit form internally sending an extra unused field on updates
- Developer console: Updated developer console to latest release, was incorrectly showing internal only properties (i.e. ayType)
v8-migrate 8.0.5 (2022-12-30)¶
- v8-migrate: workaround to assigned document file migration, now logs and skips without intervention when issues with URI
- v8-migrate: workaround to handle migrating work order item parts from pre 7.6 AyaNova with inventory off but had been on and empty warehouse id set
- Documentation: improved sections regarding migration from v7 to v8
AyaNova 8.0.29 (2022-12-20)¶
- UI: Part inventory data table was incorrectly showing the Delete and Tag extension when it should only show the export extension
- Server: fixed a bug that could cause a server crash attempting to process mass delete extension on unsupport object types
AyaNova 8.0.28 (2022-12-14)¶
- UI: Work order, Quote, PM were not recognizing record needs to be saved if the only change is in an address field
- Server, App, Documentation, v8-migrate: Added Postal / ZIP code to physical address for all addressible objects
AyaNova 8.0.27 (2022-12-02)¶
- UI: Service schedule added Customer selection / edit link to new work order dialog to preselect Customer or create new one using Open record button
- UI: All schedule forms click on Work order more info dialog added Work order header's Summary text below work order serial and customer name
AyaNova 8.0.26 (2022-11-28)¶
- Server: Removed unique Name requirement for User / Customer Contact
- App: Added
field toayClientMetaData
so report template scripts have access to the Id of the User rendering the report
AyaNova 8.0.25 (2022-11-25)¶
- UI: Home notifications could error out with "internal server error" rather than list of notifications
- Documentation: Multiple pages improved / expanded
AyaNova 8.0.24 (2022-11-21)¶
- Server: Added new internal API route
to support on demand notification scenarios - Server, App: log to AyaNova event log when User sends a direct smtp message using new notify API route, can be viewed in Event history
- Server: Report api utility methods ayPutToAPI, ayPostToAPI, ayGetFromAPI was incorrectly throwing exception on empty return body (202, 204 results)
- App: added
z_API send SMTP from work order report
example report to show how to use the new API notify via smpt method added to send an email when a report is rendered automatically. Note: this example report will only automatically install in new databases created after upgrading to this release.
For existing databases download z_API send SMTP from work order report and import to AyaNova.
AyaNova 8.0.23 (2022-11-18)¶
- Server, App, Documentation: Added ayPutToAPI API convenience method to report renderer
- App: added
z_ayPutToAPI work order
example report to show how to use the new put method added to update a work order on render Note: this example report will only automatically install in new databases created after upgrading to this release.
For existing databases download z_ayPutToAPI work order and import to AyaNova.
AyaNova 8.0.22 (2022-11-14)¶
- Server: Quote, Work order state's collections GET change to avoid any potential for non-deterministic ordering
AyaNova 8.0.21 (2022-11-10)¶
- UI: New Quote status object's default Roles for who can set and who can remove changed to all compatible Roles (had some incompatible ones before)
- Server: Quote, Work order internal improvements to status change synchronization between header and state collection
- UI: Custom fields improved layout and clarity
- UI: Home schedule form appointment item icons nudged upwards to layout fully visibly in month view
- UI: Customer and Unit form's menu's added new
New work order
option to directly create a new Work order with these items pre-selected - UI,SERVER: Part inventory data table added Part Manufacturer as available column
- UI:
New customer
menu option added to Home schedule, Service Schedule, Units table, Workorders table, Quotes table and PM table - Documentation: more screen shots and images, more to come
AyaNova 8.0.20 (2022-11-03)¶
- UI,Server: Unit Model form implemented "Workorders", "Quotes", "Preventive Maintenance" menu items features to view list of those items for the open Unit Model
- UI,Server: Work order, Quote fixed several issues related to changing Status when restricted Role permissions were set for changing status
- UI: Customize form wasn't showing full Translation keys in each field's subtitle
- UI: Translation form display text editing could cause item being edited to disappear if searched for and modified to no longer match search
- UI: Translation display edit allowed empty string
- Documentation: more guided tours added, many more to come
- UI: User settings added OK popup when changing the "Use browser's standard date time input controls" setting to help indicate it's instantly changed and doesn't require saving the form
- UI: Translation form items table was unsorted by default when first open form changed to sort by Key initially
AyaNova 8.0.19 (2022-10-29)¶
- Server: With generated sample data only, not production use, Work order and Quote could potententially not show as locked when set to a locking status
- UI: Reduced whitespace on forms between fields and row heights in data tables to show more in less space
AyaNova 8.0.18 (2022-10-27)¶
- Server: expiration date of license and maintenance incorrectly stated "(utc)" time in log but is actually server local time
- UI: Evaluation license request page now properly shows that the company name and other details are required and disables request button until filled in
- Server: Erase database huge speed improvement; improves v8-migrate, sample data generation, manual erase by SuperUser in UI
- UI: Administration -> License page added time in addition to existing date for license and maintenance expiration
- UI: Administration -> License page only SuperUser account is offered the Erase Database menu option (no other user has rights to erase db)
- UI: Evaluate, show SuperUser only message before showing generate options dialog rather than on submit
- UI: Evaluation request button now disabled when request is actively being processed
AyaNova 8.0.17 (2022-10-12)¶
- Server: Report rendering would fail if Global setting Company physical address longitude or latitude were set to an empty string
AyaNova 8.0.16 (2022-10-12)¶
- Server: Debug log level diagnostic information for troubleshooting report generation issues during technical support
AyaNova 8.0.15 (2022-09-30)¶
- UI, Server, Documentation: Misc. additions and changes for Subscription mode AyaNova
- Server: Automatic backup pruning to remove backup sets in excess of the Number of backups to keep setting was not deleting manual backup sets
AyaNova 8.0.14 (2022-09-29)¶
- UI, Server, Documentation: Dashboard list widgets limited to maximum 100 items to prevent overwhelming and potentially freezing the browser with large quantities of data better viewed through filtered data tables
AyaNova 8.0.13 (2022-09-28)¶
- UI, Server, Documentation: Bulk Tag and delete extensions changed to show progress and support cancellation of long running jobs
- UI: Dashboard issue potentially causing freeze / high memory usage with Reminders, Reviews and Scheduled dashboard widgets
AyaNova 8.0.12 (2022-09-27)¶
- SERVER: internal change to batch jobs to prevent long running jobs from hogging CPU cycles in constrained environments
AyaNova 8.0.11 (2022-09-26)¶
- Multiple data tables had more than one column internally defined at the AyaNova server end as the row id column which could result in a table not displaying data and an error message showing in the AyaNova web app. This also meant that the extra row id columns were not able to be set to not display in the data table columns.
V8-Migrate plugin 8.0.3 (2022-09-23)¶
- UI: "copy to clipboard" button added to migration log display form to enable copy displayed migration log to clipboard
- UI: warning message indicating migration will fail if login to v8 server during migration
- UI: Text displayed when migration ended to more clearly show if failed or completed properly
- Always attempt to send memo of log to SuperUser on any failure
- Always attempt to set v8 server state back to open even if earlier failure
- Not fail on empty v8 Part name due to missing v7 data but generate a unique placeholder instead
AyaNova 8.0.10 (2022-09-22)¶
- Documentation: Added Change log / release notes page and links to it
- Documentation: Personal History manual page added section about Ghostery and other similar browser extensions potentialy blocking event log history
- Documentation: several pages added section that clarifies SuperUser is not a normal account and specific information about SuperUser not having access to business data
- Documentation: ops-restore section added more detailed instructions regarding restoration and in particular setting rights and ownership when restoring to Linux server
- License check: when using active trial license now does fast track license check to accomodate slow data migration scenarios where trial license would expire before migration has completed
- Metrics: changed the server's timespan for gathering daily metrics from beta period interval of every 12 hours to normal release interval of 24 hours
- Metrics: changed the default timespan for graphs from last 6 hours to last 7 days
- Metrics form: improved the timeline chart data points to be more clearly visible
- Documentation: miscellaneous improvements and edits to documentation in multiple places
- Metrics form: fixed issue with some timeline charts not displaying properly
- Evaluate form: removed various levels of trial data seeding, defaults to small only
- Profiler form: removed now that beta test and primary development has ended