Security Groups entry screen

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Security Groups entry screen


The Security Group entry screen is where the information on a Security Group is entered or edited, such as its name and what type of access to AyaNova features are enabled for this group.



Security Group entry toolbar:




Set all Security Levels to selected Level

Select a specific access right, and click on the SecurityGroup8 to apply that selected Security Level to all objects in that security group.





To make a duplicate of the existing security group, select the Duplicate MenuDuplicate option. A new security group entry screen will display with todays date and time as the Security Group Name that you can further edit as needed.




Security Group Name

Enter a descriptive name for the security group for easier selection within each user entry screen.

A name is required.




The Members Rights grid columns



Internal Object - This equates to the AyaNova database’s internal name for the object


Object - This displays your localized name for the object


Security Level - This is the security level for that object




There are two ways to set security levels for the AyaNova objects:


1.Select a security level from the menu option, and select to apply to all objects

a. SecurityGroup11


b. SecurityGroup12

c. SecurityGroup13


2.Select the individual Security Level for the individual object within the grid.

a. SecurityGroup14


b. SecurityGroup15


c. SecurityGroup16