What about adding parts via WBI?

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What about adding parts via WBI?

Do refer to the AyaNova Help documentation for AyaNova's features.  We only list differences between the main AyaNova Windows program and WBI




You are out on the road providing service and using WBI, and determine need to create a part or add to on hand amounts. What do you do???


Most companies that utilize service management software (if not all) don't want their techs  doing clerical work, they want them billing out hours as much as possible.  The whole point of automating service management is to maximize revenue of expensive resources like professional service people.


If your tech determines a need for a part not yet in inventory, at this point many decisions need to be made that are not normally the responsibility of the technician such as:


What the cost of the part is from the supplier, what the mark up will be, what the price charged to the client will be

Confirmation from the client they will pay for this part if ordered in

Part needs to be ordered in via a purchase order from certain supplier

A decision made if it's to be an inventory item going forward, or just a miscellaneous one time part or expense


There are not a good use of a technicians time out on the road, and normally the responsibility of an inventory person.


So what do you or your tech do while out on the road:


Scenario 1: Part needed is not an existing part in inventory, so unable to do a part request:


1.They confirmed that the part is not already in inventory by looking up that part via WBI which is a feature.

2.And it is recommended that they send a memo to the person that would be responsible for getting part pricing, availability, etc

3.Perhaps even create a Follow Up from that workorder as a reminder that this workorder requires a specific part etc.



Scenario 2: A non-inventory part is bought while out on the road and want to charge the client for it


Another scenario is that the technician out on the road has an unexpected and unplanned need for an item to fulfill service while on the road and they purchase it themselves from another store and use it in service, and want to charge that to the client:


1.Have the technician enter as a miscellaneous expense in the Expenses subsection of the service workorder.




Scenario 3: An inventory part is bought elsewhere while out on the road and want to charge the client for it


Another scenario is that the technician out on the road buys a part that is normally carried by the service company in inventory, but is presently out of stock of.


1.Have the technician enter as a miscellaneous expense in the Expenses subsection of the service workorder.

2.Back at the office the tech or inventory person makes an adjustment to enter that part into stock, and the misc expense is replaced with a part entry in the workorder.



Scenario 4:


A user of WBI is acting as a remote office or a one man operation and simply wants to do everything remotely.


They can and should in that scenario run the full AyaNova via a dataportal connection. There is no reason not to, it's a built in feature of AyaNova and doesn't even involve buying anything extra and in the case of a one man operation there are many good reasons to go this route including notification etc.