Suggested Order of Setting Up AyaNovaLite once Licensed

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Suggested Order of Setting Up AyaNovaLite once Licensed

The following is a suggested order for setting up AyaNovaLite for the first time.  This is a suggestion only, you do not necessarily have to do things in this manner, many items can be entered on the fly but it's helpful to go through this and follow the help links.


Suggested Order and link to Help Topic

Go through How do I...?'s first to get an overview of use

Set up backup routine for your stand-alone backup configuration

Edit the Lite User name - see Users

Create Tax Codes (to be used as defaults in Global Settings)

Locales (create a custom locale if you want to change the text displayed in AyaNova and set as default in Global Settings)

Erase the AyaNova data entered to start fresh or manually delete objects if applicable

Set your Global Settings

Create Labor and Travel Rates for selection in workorders

Create Clients

Create Vendors

Create Parts

Create Workorder Categories

Create Workorder Statuses

Create Workorder Item Types

Create Priorities

Customize existing report templates for your company and create new report templates