Suggested Order of Setting Up AyaNova once Licensed

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Suggested Order of Setting Up AyaNova once Licensed

The following is a suggested order for setting up AyaNova for the first time when initially licensed.  This is a suggestion only, you do not necessarily have to do things in this manner, many items can be entered on the fly but it's helpful to go through this and follow the help links.




Quick setup of AyaNova and start using:

Follow along with the tutorials and, review Feature details.

Erase the AyaNova data entered to start fresh or manually delete objects (workorders, clients, etc) if applicable

Create Tax Codes (and set defaults in Global Settings if desired)

Create and setup Security Groups (determines rights for users to access AyaNova features)

Create AyaNova Users - schedulable users such as technicians as well as non-schedulable users such as those that just enter data

Create Labor and Travel Rates for selection in workorders

Create Clients (you can import using the ImportExport.csv utility, and/or you can create on the fly as needed)

Use as is and/or Customize existing report templates for your company and/or create new report templates

Create service workorder for a client (follow along with tutorial for a quick walk through)




More in depth setup of AyaNova:

Follow along with the tutorials and, review Feature details.

Set up for AyaNova network configuration  (multiple networked users connect to the database at the same time) if required

Set up backup routine for your configuration (stand-alone backup or network Firebird Server configuration or SQL configuration)

Edit the AyaNova Administrator default password and create a new manager administrator user account - see Users

Create Tax Codes (to be used as defaults in Global Settings)

Locales (create a custom locale if you want to change the text displayed in AyaNova and set as default in Global Settings for new users, and/or assign to existing users)

Erase the AyaNova data entered to start fresh or manually delete objects if applicable

Create Regions (used to restrict data access based on region a user is a member of) and set Client Notifications for each Region

Create and setup Security Groups (determines rights to access AyaNova features for users)

Create Part Warehouses (assign default warehouse to users as well as used to maintain tighter inventory control)

Create Dispatch Zones (used to group clients together for filtering, reporting and scheduling, and assign schedulable users to)

Create User Certifications (used to determine if user can perform certain service and/or be assigned to certain Schedulable User Groups)

Create User Skills  (used to determine if user can perform certain service and/or be assigned to certain Schedulable User Groups)

Set your Global Settings

Set up AyaNova Users

Client Groups (groups clients together for filtering and reporting)

Create Labor and Travel Rates for selection in workorders

Subscribe to events such as Client Contract Expiring before setting client contract expiry date

Create Contracts

Create Head Offices

Create Clients (you can import using the ImportExport.csv utility, and/or you can create on the fly as needed)

Create Vendors

Create Unit Models

Create Units (you can import using the ImportExport.csv utility, and/or you can create on the fly as needed)

Create Loan Items

Create Parts (you can import using the ImportExport.csv utility, and/or you can create on the fly as needed)

Enter Part Inventory Adjustment for starting inventory

Create Workorder Categories

Create Workorder Statuses (you can enter manually, and/or import using the ImportExport.csv utility)

Create Workorder Item Types (you can enter manually, and/or import using the ImportExport.csv utility)

Create Priorities (you can enter manually, and/or import using the ImportExport.csv utility)

Create Unit Service Types (you can enter manually, and/or import using the ImportExport.csv utility)

Create Task Groups & Tasks

Have users subscribe to events

Customize existing report templates for your company and create new report templates

Add additional custom fields where needed