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Server Metrics

AyaNova 8+ automatically tracks server metrics for ongoing server maintenance, monitoring and technical support troubleshooting.

Server Metrics are information gathered automatically as periodic snapshots during server operation that can be used to assess the health of an AyaNova server and help to determine if resources are adequate for the load that is placed on the AyaNova server by the users.

This information is typically useful to the Operations staff who are responsible for maintaining the AyaNova server in good working condition.

The memory and cpu statistics are gathered only for the AyaNova server process, they do not necessarily reflect the overall server's available memory or cpu usage as that information is not reliably available to AyaNova.

This means that these metrics should be used in conjuntion with the server operating system tools for monitoring overall server health and resource usage.

Data is displayed in various charts.

365 days

Metrics snapshots for the last 365 days are stored in the database and entries older than 365 days are automatically deleted.

Authorization Roles required

Many roles can select this object on other records where approriate. Editing or viewing this object in detail is only available to Users with the following roles:

Full access

  • System operations

Read only access

  • Business administration
  • Business administration - restricted
  • System operations - restricted

How to access the Server Metrics

The Server Metrics form is accessed in the following ways:

Server Metrics form

The Server Metrics form is a series of graphs in separate tabs and a time span selection controlling the time period displayed in the graphs.

Time range selector

At the top of the form is a time period selector controlling what period is graphed. To the right is a refresh button to re-fetch the data from the server.

A new database won't have a full range of data for all the time periods selectable so if you select a year but the current database has only been in use for a month you will only see a time range of what is available in the graphs on the time axis.


These statistics are gathered every 5 minutes.


The memory values here should be interpreted as they change over time rather than their specific values at any given point in time for resource allocation purposes.

The top graph shows memory usage over time for three categories:


A number that is the best available approximation of the number of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.

Working set

The amount of physical memory, in bytes, allocated for the AyaNova server and associated processes.

Private bytes

The amount of memory, in bytes, allocated for the AyaNova server and associated processes that cannot be shared with other processes.


This is the percentage of CPU load being used by the AyaNova server program only. This is not the overall server's CPU load as you would see in Windows Task manager or Linux Top utility for example.

This chart is useful for interpreting over time any changes in CPU load for the AyaNova server process only.


These statistics are gathered every 24 hours.

Database size

This is the AyaNova database size as reported by the Postgres database server.

Top tables

This graph shows the distribution of data by table stored in the AyaNova database. For newer databases the search key table used by the search system in AyaNova will usually take up the greatest amount of space but over time it will dwindle relative to other tables as fewer unique search terms are added to it.

File storage tab

These statistics are gathered every 24 hours.

Storage statistics


This is the amount of disk space taken by Attachments that Users have Attached to various objects in AyaNova in the User files folder.


Amount of disk space taken by Backups in the Backups folder

Available space

Overall amount of available space on the drive AyaNova was started from.

Attachment count

This is the count of Attachments that Users have Attached to various objects in AyaNova in the User files folder.